Today world goes to trending technology, Genericchit chit fund software also follow the trending technology features. Our chit fund software have available in offline, online, and mobile applications. You can check your business information from any time, anywhere and any devices.
Genericchit chit fund software customers are feel very happy because, it comprehensive modules are easy to operate , user friendly software. Genericchit handle the chit fund operations very effective , smooth and gently.
Genericchit integrate facilities are integrate the bulk sms integrations, what's app integrations, terminal machine collection integrations, android mobile apps collection integrations and payment gateway integrations also.
All the integration will make the simply your chit fund business, Management will taking any type of report with in minute, Accuracy of the reports will creating the company good will in your business area.
It features are much more fit for your chit fund business. The system can be deployed on-premises and on the cloud to automate your chit fund operations and manage them efficiency.
Genericchit chit fund software pack comes with 300+ business reports, In this reports are analysis your chit business and where you spend, where you cannot spend and all details are in your finger tips.