Genericchit Chit Fund Software Advantages
Genericchit Chit Software have digital collection method, now trending technology is collection has made by machine, Collector collect the chit fund amount through multiple types of collection machine,
Genericchit Android mobile app have two methods, one is admin panel, another one is customer panel, admin panel have option for collection purpose only developed by our genericchit software team.
Chit fund collection money information are stored in ERP cloud server, Server have provide best performance to all clients. Area wise collector have to go and collect money from chit subscribers location.
Both are getting more benefits and save time. Digital collection process provide more accuracy and transparency, Collector wise reports are showing each collector collected amount,
Accuracy of the report are provide more confident and fund flow of chit fund company, chit fund company taking bettor decision by the sort period of the time
we have to beat competitor using better accuracy reports statement of the genericchit chit software.