Genericchit Collection App
Genericchit online Chit Fund Software system is include essential trending technology for fast moving world. Online Bidding Auction is now growing trending among chit fund company,
why online auction is important in chit fund company?
Chit fund company have a multiple branches in different location cities. chit group can be created with multiple branch chit subscribers. group members are formed quickly with multiple branch chit fund subscribers.
Chit Fund company can adopt the group members without any stress burst in short period of time. each branch doing their due cash collection receipt, prized money distribution with in a branch.
Online auction are conducted by chit fund company through mobile app, Chit fund company are informed auction detail prior to chit fund subscribers. that particular auction time all branch chit fund subscriber are participate in auction bidding system.
System will find the winning bidding person from all branch. Genericchit online bidding system will simply the auction process using trending technology.
Genericchit online bidding system is one group formed from multiple branch subscribers. all the chit fund bidding process only possible through internet.