Tuesday, 28 February 2023

Genericchit software Variety of Features


Genericchit chit fund software is a cost effective, customizable software, cloud based online ERB chit fund management software,  Android mobile option for admin and chit subscribers, chit subscriber will pay money through android app, admin will control multiple branch from any location,

GenericChit Software can support multi branch, Multi type of SMS Option, Collator Terminal machine collection Option (Soft Land Machine, Vision Tek Machine, Balaji  Machine will include any one of the Option), Genericchit Software will reduce your manual burden, Genericchit software MIS Report will show you accurate and perfect report, 

  Accounts oriented option will include the Genericchit Software, Management will reduce and avoid  the Accounts software separately, Employee Management option will manage employee attendance and salary prepared every month, 
Chit subscriber can get advance amount based on chit fund group amount,  chit lien will hold the chit payment options each and every group, after chit lien completed will be released the group chit payment amount,

     GenericChit chit Fund Software have more features – to know the details call for us – 9788037825, 8098129659



Monday, 27 February 2023

Prized Money with GST Receipt Genericchit Software


Genericchit chit fund software application is very simple, high -quality, centralized data, each and every clicks safe and secure access, cost effective and most important implementation made easy. Our software automated system will reduced the manpower work. A perfect solution to empower you to manage your chit fund  business The Right Way. Your business needs are our priority and your growing business needs a comprehensive chit ERP. Its wide variety of features makes chit funds a pleasant and joyful experience.

  Chit fund company can provide each and every month prized money to chit fund subscribes. prized money coming with after detected  GST Charges, Document Charges,  Due pending arrear amount. 

    some times detected arrear amount chit fund subscribers other groups also. prized money will be generated based on the chit fund subscribers auction asking amount. if  more subscribers needs money for single month, that time token system are implemented,  subscribers who is win token system. that subscribers are getting the prized money that month.

   Chit fund company some time up to 50 percentage of group month are conducted token system. because more chit fund subscribers are demanding prized money,  Prized money can provide to chit fund subscribers with GST Amount. Genericchit software are elegantly designed and calculated GST Section in Software
     GST amount at the end of the year in auditing time submitted to register office.
GST report are most important statement of register office, Agent commission TDS charges are also submitted to register office.

   for more details about chit fund software call - 9788037825, 8098129659



Sunday, 26 February 2023

Genericchit Android mobile app with Printer

 GenericChit  Chit fund software is customizable, budget based software, Chit software immense futures, chit software can work from cloud server, It can support multi branch, multi user in single domain, 

Genericchit Chit software are work any where, using any device, android mobile app can support collection, bill print, report generation, SMS options, What’s up sharing option, Mail Option, 
                   Genericchit Android mobile User Part can support all registered Chit subscribers, Chit subscribers can login through android mobile app get all the details of Chit Groups. Chit Subscribers can pay the due amount through mobile directly without chit company help.

Chit subscribers can get details of chit group Arrears , Paid Receipts, Auction details of chit groups,   Chit group members can get the Ledger details, that Ledger can have all groups transaction details credit and debit amount of still now,  
               Genericchit new android app come with printer device, Softland company provide printed attached android kid, So we easy to customize your requirements, chit company directly take print from android app, no need for extra blue tooth printer,

Chit company collector can handle a simple way, easy to understand without any system related knowledge, it’s portable device can take to move any location, easy to provide print on the spot to all chit subscribers.




Friday, 24 February 2023

Easy To Handle Chit Fund Operations With GenericChit Software


Genericchit Features

Genericchit chit fund software application is very simple, high -quality, centralized data, each and every clicks safe and secure access, cost effective and most important implementation made easy. Our software automated system will reduced  the manpower work. A perfect solution to empower you to manage your chit fund business Right Way. Your business needs are our priority and your growing business needs a comprehensive chit ERP. Its wide variety of features makes chit funds a pleasant  and  joyful experience.

GenericChit chit fund software is simple, easy to use, user – friendly software. It is made them implementation easy. Genericchit chit fund software is reduced the chit fund calculation burden, and reduce the manual work, manpower work and human errors. Genericchit chit fund software is understand your unique business needs, and deliver a genericchit software as per your requirements. 

Genericchit software is cost effective, secured, centralized data, easy convenient ,  works offline anywhere anytime access details from any device & most importantly integration made easy. Genericchit chit fund software get notified of the critical business information from your chit fund business and take timely decision with real time reports from anywhere anytime. 

Genericchit can manage the customer management, chit group management, accounts management, employee management, and payment management also. Genericchit chit fund management software have 99% customer retention and 100% customer satisfactions.

Thursday, 23 February 2023

Accurate Reports In GenericChit Software

Genericchit chit fund software application is very simple, high -quality, centralized data, each and every clicks safe and secure access, cost effective and most important implementation made easy. Our software automated system will reduced  the manpower work. A perfect solution to empower you to manage your chit fund business Right Way. Your business needs are our priority and your growing business needs a comprehensive chit ERP. Its wide variety of features makes chit funds a pleasant  and  joyful experience.

Genericchit chit fund software packs comes with 200+ business reports , in this reports are helpful for chit fund companies, & future business reference.
 Genericchit software reports are convert able to PDF, EXCEL,WORD also. 

Genericchit chit fund software reports are perfectly analysis your chit business and improve your company growth. Genericchit software reports are advance options, it has customer wise full details, chit group wise full details, customer advance, Auction Details, Auction payment Details, Auction Eligibility List, Customer Arrear List, Intimation Letters, etc..

 Genericchit chit fund management software have accounts reports also like Day Book, Cash Book, Bank Book, Ledger, Balance Sheet, Trial Balance, Profit & Loss A/C, MIS Report etc.. Genericchit software is fulfill customer requirements.

Wednesday, 22 February 2023

GenericChit software outstanding Report

Genericchit Features

Genericchit chit fund software application is very simple, high -quality, centralized data, each and every clicks safe and secure access, cost effective and most important implementation made easy. Our software automated system will reduced  the manpower work. A perfect solution to empower you to manage your chit fund business Right Way. Your business needs are our priority and your growing business needs a comprehensive chit ERP. Its wide variety of features makes chit funds a pleasant  and  joyful experience.

GenericChit software have 100+ Reports

chit fund company have some important reports

one of the most important report is chit group wise outstanding report

this report provide to you group wise arrears amount, showing for all customers.

customer can not paying every month their due amount, that month due amount automatically system detected and showing in arrears reports location.

Arrears statement showing due amount with penalty amount.

This report is much more important for chit companies. company have every month this outstanding report,

genericchit chit fund management software can provide group wise arrears, month wise arrears, & current arrears chart reports.

chit management company can easy to collect money from customer, the most important think is here, chart is showing what’s happening in your chit company.

Tuesday, 21 February 2023

GenericChit Software Integration Options


Genericchit Features

Genericchit chit fund software application is very simple, high -quality, centralized data, each and every clicks safe and secure access, cost effective and most important implementation made easy. Our software automated system will reduced  the manpower work. A perfect solution to empower you to manage your chit fund business Right Way. Your business needs are our priority and your growing business needs a comprehensive chit ERP. Its wide variety of features makes chit funds a pleasant  and  joyful experience.

Genericchit chit fund software is integrate for  following options,

1) Bulk SMS Integration2) Terminal Machine Collection Integration3) Android Mobile Apps Integration4) Payment Gateway Integration

1) Genericchit Bulk SMS Integration:      If you are using bulk sms facility you can send the arrear sms, payment sms, auctions sms, welcome sms, wishes sms etc.. In this sms options are will send in customer register mobile number.
2) Genericchit Terminal Machine Integration:                Collection executive goes to customer location collect money form customer , collect due amount, make the due entries and generate the receipt also  , This details are updated in server.
3) Genericchit Android Apps Integration:                      Android  mobile apps integrate in three different types of working. Admin login, Collector login, And Customer login.
4) Genericchit Payment Gateway Integration:                     If you are integrate the payment gateway options, your customer not come to your office for pay due amount, Customers can pay our due amount through online in payment gateway options.

Monday, 20 February 2023

GenericChit Software Customer Management Features

Genericchit Features

Genericchit chit fund software application is very simple, high -quality, centralized data, each and every clicks safe and secure access, cost effective and most important implementation made easy. Our software automated system will reduced  the manpower work. A perfect solution to empower you to manage your chit fund business Right Way. Your business needs are our priority and your growing business needs a comprehensive chit ERP. Its wide variety of features makes chit funds a pleasant  and  joyful experience.

Genericchit chit fund software is one of leading best chit fund software service provider in India, we are provide best software and support into our customers. Genericchit software is easily handle to chit fund process, and simplify your work. 

Genericchit software customer management features can manage for customer full details like that, Address, photograph, aadhar card, pan card also. Genericchit software is give color option in customers like that Red, Green, Yellow. It is dipper in customer rank or payment options. Green color customer are pay due properly customers, Yellow color customer one or two dues pay delay other wise pay due  properly.  

Red color customer are dangerous customers, they are pay due not properly , they are pay irregularly. Genericchit software provide area wise you can spilt the customer in collection process easily . Genericchit software always helpful for chit fund companies, and fulfill our requirements.

Sunday, 19 February 2023

Conduct Online Auction In GenericChit Software

Genericchit Features

Genericchit chit fund software application is very simple, high -quality, centralized data, each and every clicks safe and secure access, cost effective and most important implementation made easy. Our software automated system will reduced  the manpower work. A perfect solution to empower you to manage your chit fund business Right Way. Your business needs are our priority and your growing business needs a comprehensive chit ERP. Its wide variety of features makes chit funds a pleasant  and  joyful experience.

Genericchit chit fund software is conducted the auction for online , In every chit groups every customers conduct auction for online. Genericchit software is provide for live chat through auction online, for every chit group customer conduct auction for live chat and asking for our bid amount in online.

 Chit Fund company organize for all group members auction bid amount in live chat, which person asking highest bid amount , that member can win the auction.. Genericchit software can conduct the auction in online and reduced the chit fund operation burden. 

Genericchit software is easy to use, user – friendly software , a person having basic knowledge is enough. Genericchit software is simplify the chit fund process and easy to handle chit fund business.