Tuesday, 31 January 2023

Why Customer Choose GenericChit Software

Genericchit Features

Genericchit chit fund software application is very simple, high -quality, centralized data, each and every clicks safe and secure access, cost effective and most important implementation made easy. Our software automated system will reduced  the manpower work. A perfect solution to empower you to manage your chit fund business Right Way. Your business needs are our priority and your growing business needs a comprehensive chit ERP. Its wide variety of features makes chit funds a pleasant  and  joyful experience.

Your business needs are our priority and your growing business needs a comprehensive generic chit. Your business needs intuitive genericchit software that makes collections, payments, expenses and customer management easy and employee management also. Genericchit software is always comes up with a new features that is demanding in the market. If you want to add any new features you can contact us. 

Genericchit software will change your software according your needs. The only thing you need to do is to update your software. Genericchit software has an SMS facility in which if your client left up with the due balance . There is no need to worry about in our genericchit software will send the due reminder SMS send in customer register mobile number. We made billing and due payment amount so easy. 

Genericchit  software automatically creates balance and you can send SMS to your client anytime.  Genericchit  software is so easy and fast working, to make chit fund collections way more simple for you. 


Monday, 30 January 2023

Adjustment System GenericChit Software


Genericchit Features

Genericchit chit fund software application is very simple, high -quality, centralized data, each and every clicks safe and secure access, cost effective and most important implementation made easy. Our software automated system will reduced  the manpower work. A perfect solution to empower you to manage your chit fund business Right Way. Your business needs are our priority and your growing business needs a comprehensive chit ERP. Its wide variety of features makes chit funds a pleasant  and  joyful experience.

Genericchit Adjustment System is playing major roles in chit fund companies. Adjustment can integrate all the chit accounts statements.

1) Prize Money Adjustment
2) Introducer (Agent) Commission Adjustment
3) Registration Adjustment
4) Advance money Adjustment
5) Reference Adjustment

Prize Money Adjustment  

         Customer chit group Prized money will be adjusted to all other chit groups due pending payments, this process can cleared in automatically in software. 

       Customer can send prized money to other nominee customer or other relative customers chit groups pending dues also. 
Prized money adjustment system will be circulate the money into chit groups again and again. 

Agent Commission Adjustment.

           Agent are introduced some customers to chit groups, chit company provide a commission amount for  agent introduced persons , chit company are providing commission amount for  motivating the chit business.

Registration Adjustment 

                         Chit Customer can joint immediately to other groups some occasion time, that time chit company adjust the registration fees from other chit groups previously paid chit dues.
Advance money adjustment.

         Some loyal customer can pay the chit dues before the dues date. that type receipt will be stored in advance section. and then initial chit group joining time customer dues amount stored in advance section.
   After the auction conducted that chit groups dues are generated. Genericchit software can adjusted advanced money to dues receipt.

Reference Adjustment   

                            Employees are introduce some customer to chit groups. chit company provide a reference amount to employees and staffs.

Sunday, 29 January 2023

Achieve Your Chit Fund Business Targets Using GenericChit Software


Genericchit Features

Genericchit chit fund software application is very simple, high -quality, centralized data, each and every clicks safe and secure access, cost effective and most important implementation made easy. Our software automated system will reduced  the manpower work. A perfect solution to empower you to manage your chit fund business Right Way. Your business needs are our priority and your growing business needs a comprehensive chit ERP. Its wide variety of features makes chit funds a pleasant  and  joyful experience.

Genericchit software is best chit fund software service provider in India, we are provide best , quality software and supports into our customers. It is available in both versions offline as well as online (cloud based), customer can choose according your needs.

  if  Clients wants to run single branch you can choose offline Software, Clients have more than one branch, you can go for select online cloud based chit fund ERP software, It's can fulfill your needs and requirements.  

Genericchit software is simple, fast billing and user friendly software. It is reduced manual work , manpower expense and human errors. Genericchit  software is reduced chit fund operation burden. Our motto is digitalize chit fund operation in our software. 

Genericchit software products comes with 210+ business reports in this reports are analysis your business and take correct decisions at a right time. Genericchit  software is have 99 percentage customer retention and 100 percentage customer satisfactions.

Wednesday, 25 January 2023

GenericChit Software Subscribers Management Features

 Genericchit Features

Genericchit chit fund software application is very simple, high -quality, centralized data, each and every clicks safe and secure access, cost effective and most important implementation made easy. Our software automated system will reduced  the manpower work. A perfect solution to empower you to manage your chit fund business The Right Way. Your business needs are our priority and your growing business needs a comprehensive chit ERP. Its wide variety of features makes chit funds a pleasant  and  joyful experience.

Genericchit software is one of leading best chit fund software service provider in India, we are provide best software and support into chit fund clients. Genericchit  is easily handle to chit fund process, & simplify your work. Genericchit software subscriber management features can manage for subscriber full details like that, Address, photograph, aadhar card, pan card also. 

Genericchit software is give color option in subscribers like that Red, Green, Yellow. It is dipper in chit fund subscribers rank or payment options. Green color subscriber are pay due properly customers, Yellow color subscriber one or two dues pay delay other wise pay due  properly.  Red color subscriber are dangerous subscribers, they are pay due not properly , they are pay irregularly. 

Genericchit software provide area wise you can spilt the subscriber in collection process easily . Genericchit chit fund software always helpful for chit fund companies, and fulfill our requirements.

Tuesday, 24 January 2023

Agent Commission Amount Generic Chit Fund Software


Genericchit Chit fund software have agent commission option, Agent or introducer can introduce chit group subscribers, Subscribers are joint the chit group and pay the due amount, 
             After three due’s paid introducer getting commission amount, chit company provide one percent or 2 percent from the chit group values, Agent is also responsible person for chit fund subscribers pending arrear amount,
            if chit fund subscribers have arrear amount chit company inform to agent, Agent wise arrear statement taking from genericchit software, Agent will be insist subscribers to pay due amount,
          Agent will play the important role in chit fund company, Agent is the main person for to run the chit fund groups, Agent is explain the chit company details to subscribers, they are give the good certificate and assurance to the subscribers about chit company,
         Agent is canvas the subscribers, other wise subscriber may be joint other chit company, 
           Agent will be creating the bond between the chit company with subscribers,  here chit company employees also playing the agent role, Employees can introduce the chit subscribers,  
       Employees can canvas the relatives, friends, family members and colleagues to joint the chit group,
           here all person are getting the benefits, chit group can rotate the money from one person to another person, all person are getting job and money from the chit fund group,
         Agent provide surety and security assurance to the prized money subscribers,  Chit auctioned time agent can give assurance to the chit company, agent names also include in documented with guarantor details, 
          if any problem will be occurred after getting the prized money, agent will be the main responsible person for collecting the money from chit fund subscribers,
      More details you want, feel free can connect with Genericchit team

Monday, 23 January 2023

Minimize Manpower Work In Generic Chit Fund Software

Genericchit Features

Genericchit chit fund software application is very simple, high -quality, centralized data, each and every clicks safe and secure access, cost effective and most important implementation made easy. Our software automated system will reduced  the manpower work. A perfect solution to empower you to manage your chit fund business The Right Way. Your business needs are our priority and your growing business needs a comprehensive chit ERP. Its wide variety of features makes chit funds a pleasant  and  joyful experience.

Genericchit chit fund software is reduced manual work , manpower work and human errors. Genericchit  provide for best chit fund software and support into our clients . 

Genericchit  is reduced chit fund operation burden. Genericchit is manage chit fund group management, chit subscribers management, employee management, and chit fund accounts management also. Genericchit  is easy to use, user friendly chit fund management software

Genericchit  is fully automated all details are immediately update in server. Genericchit  is integrate the bulk sms integration, terminal machine collection integration, android mobile app integration, and payment gateway integration etc.. 

Genericchit accurate reports are know your business for your daily collections, payments, expenses, arrears, and know more information in your fingertips.


Saturday, 21 January 2023

Genericchit Daily Weekly Monthly Collections Software


Chit Fund Software Features

Genericchit chit fund software application is very simple, high -quality, centralized data, each and every clicks safe and secure access, cost effective and most important implementation made easy. Our software automated system will reduced  the manpower work. A perfect solution to empower you to manage your chit fund business The Right Way. Your business needs are our priority and your growing business needs a comprehensive chit ERP. Its wide variety of features makes chit funds a pleasant  and  joyful experience.

You don’t need extra hands for copes for your finance collection. Yes Genericchit Chit Fund Software is simplify your collection process & reduced the interest calculation problems. Genericchit daily collection software is simple, easy to use, and user friendly software. 

You don ‘t need separate accounts software, Genericchit daily collections software also integrate the accounts modules. Genericchit Chit Fund Software is integrate the bulk SMS integrations, terminal machine collection integration, android mobile apps integrations and payment gateway integrations. 

Genericchit daily collection software comes with 200+ business reports, in this reports are reference your future business. Genericchit daily collections software is fulfill customers requirements and satisfactions. Genericchit daily collection software have 99 pencentage customer retention and 100 percentage customer satisfactions.

Monday, 16 January 2023

Essential Integration Options In GenericChit


Genericchit chit fund software application is very simple, high -quality, centralized data, each and every clicks safe and secure access, cost effective and most important implementation made easy. Our software automated system will reduced  the manpower work. A perfect solution to empower you to manage your chit fund business The Right Way. Your business needs are our priority and your growing business needs a comprehensive chit ERP. Its wide variety of features makes chit funds a pleasant  and  joyful experience.

GenericChit chit fund software is right choice to start managing your business and handling all chit fund needs in one place.  Right from chit fund calculation to collections our GenericChit chit fund software makes everything easy for your chit business.  

GenericChit chit fund software always have trending integration options for bulk SMS integrations, Terminal machine collection integrations, android mobile apps collection integrations, and payment gateway integration also. GenericChit chit fund software is simplify the chit fund process and chit collection.  

GenericChit chit fund software terminal collection machine or android mobile apps  collect money from customers in customer location collect the money make the due entries and generate the receipt also. Receipt can share to chit fund subscribers via What's up, Mail, SMS and Bluetooth Device, This billing receipt are automatically updated in server. GenericChit chit fund software is fulfill customer requirements and satisfactions.

Thursday, 12 January 2023

Requirement based chit fund software Genericchit

Genericchit chit fund software application is very simple, high -quality, centralized data, each and every clicks safe and secure access, cost effective and most important implementation made easy. Our software automated system will reduced  the manpower work. A perfect solution to empower you to manage your chit fund business The Right Way. Your business needs are our priority and your growing business needs a comprehensive chit ERP. Its wide variety of features makes chit funds a pleasant  and  joyful experience.
           Chit Fund Industry have lot of models in India, Each and every chit fund company have a different types of chit models. Genericchit can full fill the any type of chit model,

          Our Experts team can modify the Chit fund Software, Mostly used basic model two types. one is open chit model, another one is fixed chit model,

 Open Chit model can held the monthly chit auction, based on bidding amount will desire the other factor, 

    Fixed chit model have fixed chart for every month paying chit amount. chit fund subscribers can pay the amount as per the chart monthly amount, Our expert team will be design chit fund software as per the clients requirements and needs.