Genericchit chit fund software mobile apps are cloud based online working model, customer can access the software & mobile apps are world wide working. Genericchit chit fund software can any time, anywhere places work it. Generic chit fund software mobile apps is easy to use, user friendly mobile apps. Generic chit fund software mobile apps are three different types of working.
Softland company android mobile printer can take the chit print on spot. collector provide to chit subscriber receipt.
1) Admin Login:
Admin can control the all user mobile apps.
2) Collector Login:
Collection executive person collect the money from customers , make the chit fund due entries and generate receipt on the spot time customer location, that details are automatically updated in server.
3) Customer Login:
Customer details can view the chit group details, Outstanding chit Arrear details, Prized money chit payment details, next due installment details also. Customer chit subscriber statements ,
Customer can pay chit due amount - through android apps, razor pay payment gateway integration will provide the simple mobile payment facilities.